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Assisted Living in Gainesville, GA

Gardens of Gainesville

Assisted Living

Gardens of Gainesville gives you the care you need in the vibrant lifestyle you deserve. Our assisted living team has been here for decades and is committed to helping our residents make the most of each day.

Benefits of Assisted Living

With the care you need at your fingertips, you can leave worries at the door and do what makes you happy. Look your sharpest with a visit to the full salon, savor a meal at the recently remodeled dining room or cozy up to the fireplace with your next great read at the library. At Gardens of Gainesville, happiness and health go hand-in-hand.

Assisted Living Services

When to Move to Assisted Living

Making the transition to assisted living often becomes necessary when activities of daily living (ADLs) such as cooking, cleaning, managing medications, or personal care become difficult to handle on your own. Assisted living communities like Gardens of Gainesville provide a supportive environment where residents can maintain their independence while receiving whatever help they need and enjoying social activities.

Floor Plans & Pricing

Assisted Living Apartments in Gainesville, GA

Stress-Free Living, One Convenient Monthly Payment

Gardens of Gainesville offers suites or one-bedroom apartments with amenities such as fridges, an emergency pendant system, housekeeping, and pull cords. Every assisted living apartment is charmingly designed and located close to main services and activities so all it takes is a short walk to step out onto the patio or into courtyard areas for some Georgia sun or hit the health and wellness center to stay active.

Gardens of Gainesville offers a wide range of assisted living options including studio and one-bedroom apartments, with monthly rental rates starting at $3,900.

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