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French Table Dining

Meadowood 2455 N. Tamarack Tr, Bloomington, IN, United States

A dinner with others who speak and enjoy French culture will add a special, authentic touch to the evening. This is a wonderful way to connect, and share stories.

German Table Dinner

Meadowood 2455 N. Tamarack Tr, Bloomington, IN, United States

A dinner with others who speak and enjoy German culture will add a special, authentic touch to the evening. It could be a wonderful way for everyone to connect, and share stories.

Art Gallery Opening & Social Hour

Meadowood 2455 N. Tamarack Tr, Bloomington, IN, United States

Join us for this month’s gallery opening-featuring artwork from Brown County.

Trio Recital

Meadowood 2455 N. Tamarack Tr, Bloomington, IN, United States

Experience the harmony and passion of live music!

Great Courses: Zoology

Meadowood 2455 N. Tamarack Tr, Bloomington, IN, United States

Stop in to continue, or learn new, knowledge on Zoology.

Violin Recital

Meadowood 2455 N. Tamarack Tr, Bloomington, IN, United States

Join us for an unforgettable afternoon as we explore the rich and diverse world of violin music.

St. Paddy’s Day Tea & Scones

Meadowood 2455 N. Tamarack Tr, Bloomington, IN, United States

Starting with a nice cup of tea and freshly baked scones sounds like the perfect way to kick off the festivities of the day!

St. Patrick’s Day Party in the Terrace Room

Meadowood 2455 N. Tamarack Tr, Bloomington, IN, United States

Join us in the Terrace Room for green beer and themed food for social hour. Traditional Irish music provided by Mark Phelps.

St. Patrick’s Day Party

Meadowood 2455 N. Tamarack Tr, Bloomington, IN, United States

Green beer and themed foods will be served at the Social Hour. Traditional Irish music sing along provided by Mark Phelps.

St. Patrick’s Day Dinner

Meadowood 2455 N. Tamarack Tr, Bloomington, IN, United States

Enjoy Irish pub salads, corned beef with mustard pickle sauce, poached salmon, parmesan and garlic cabbage, with festive greens. Pair with Irish soda bread and Guinness bundt cake! Reservations required- guests welcome for $20 per person.