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Inspirational Speakers Dr. Lemonicha and Linda Sargent- “Tools for Happiness”

Five Star Premier Residences of Pompano Beach 1371 South Ocean Boulevard, Pompano Beach, FL, United States

Join our residents in person to hear Inspirational Speakers, Dr. Lemonicha and Linda Sargent- "Tools for Happiness" So what makes us happy? There are happiness strategies that have been proven to be effective in study after study all over the world. Our inspirational speakers will be here to share the research findings and hand out a reminder list at the end so everyone can get busy getting happier!

“The Magic of Audrey Hepburn”

Five Star Premier Residences of Pompano Beach 1371 South Ocean Boulevard, Pompano Beach, FL, United States

Maxine Simson is a nationally known Lecturer and Public Speaker on historical topics, pop culture, and life and legacy figures in entertainment and the arts, business, medicine, and Jewish history. She is also a docent and educator at the Museum at Eldridge Street, a National Historic Landmark Synagogue in the Lower East Side of New York City